Provide Better, More Efficient Resident Care with the Eldermark NEXT EHR

Save time, reduce costs, eliminate human error, & enhance workflow with a centralized EHR.

When you’re using paper or disparate systems at your community, it’s challenging to see all of your care information in one place and you’re opening the door for unnecessary risk, human error, and duplicative work.

By leveraging the comprehensive, purpose-built solutions we’ve created for senior living communities, you can easily centralize, streamline, and automate your clinical processes so your team can spend less time with your technology and more time with your residents.

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Explore the Eldermark NEXT EHR with Our Interactive Demo

Discover how the Eldermark NEXT EHR System can simplify care in your community. Our user-friendly system centralizes health records and ensures real-time access to important information. Improve efficiency, deliver better care, and replace fragmented documentation. Increase revenue with transparent service tracking and seamless billing integration. Click through our interactive demo to see the difference Eldermark NEXT EHR can make!

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Benefits of the Centralized Eldermark NEXT EHR

Centralize information technology from across your community to work more efficiently and improve resident satisfaction, quality of care, health, and safety.


Streamline Assessments

Generate assessments that adhere to state regulations and can automatically inform your service plans and agreements


Simplify Compliance with Senior Living Regulations

Stay compliant and audit-ready with state-based assessments, centralized healthcare data, and automatic record keeping with EHR implementation


Increase Revenue By Tracking Care Data

Eliminate service creep by tracking scheduled and unscheduled services and automatically adding them to your invoices


Real-Time Communications

Give your entire team one place to access the health data they need to provide exceptional care and effectively manage your community


Efficient Record Keeping of Health Information

Update, search for and print all resident records and information from one health system platform to save time and eliminate manual errors


Schedule Services Through Customizable Dashboards

The custom, cloud-based dashboard alerts your full care team of the most critical tasks and scheduling needs for each resident each day — from any device.

What Your Team Can Do with the Eldermark NEXT EHR System

From increased revenue to better overall resident care, an easy-to-use EHR system with an intuitive interface opens a world of possibilities for your staff. And with Eldermark Spark — the in-app training and resource center — your community and staff will start to enjoy the benefits from day one.

Create Comprehensive Electronic Health and Medical Records

Get the complete picture of your residents’ well-being by centralizing all your clinical data. Automatically update your EHR with information from your clinical assessments and service plans and see a comprehensive record of dispensed medications. And with all your data available in real-time, everyone at your community will have access to the right information when and where they need it.

Improve Efficiency and Provide Better Care

The simple user experience of the Eldermark NEXT EHR allows your team to work more efficiently so they can focus their time and energy on their most fulfilling tasks — delivering superior resident experiences! Plus, you can finally get rid of your fragmented documentation systems that are difficult to manage, invite human error, and increase the risk of service and medication errors.

Drive Revenue and Reduce Service Creep With EHR Data

Service plans that automatically generate service schedules allow your caregivers to track the services rendered and compare the actual costs against what you are actually billing for. This heightened transparency not only optimizes your revenue streams, but it also builds trust with residents and their families by ensuring clear, understandable billing.

Mark Prospects as an Assessment in Your CRM

Marking prospects as assessments directly in the Eldermark NEXT CRM automatically notifies the care team, ensuring the seamless integration of information into the resident's chart. This efficiency primes the team for a smoother transition and move-in process.

Streamline Evaluations and Billing Integration

The system enhances care precision and reduces administrative work by offering service suggestions, auto-filling details, and tailoring plans to residents' needs. Post-evaluation, it automatically alerts the Billing app, ensuring your team is informed about services rendered. This eliminates miscommunication, streamlines billing, and aligns operational efficiency.